Omni CMS Training
Online Training
Omni CMS and Web Services provides online training to introduce Omni CMS, login, and edit content and features. Training also include review of digital governance polices for, web accessibility, and overall web standards.
Once all 3 items listed are completed, access to Omni CMS can be granted to departments. Departments should appoint content editors for their web sections of
Any questions on access and editing can be directed to:
Weckesser Hall, 3rd Floor
(570) 408-5059
Directory Edits
If you have edits to the online directory for faculty and staff, please review the online directory guide to find the correct contact to make the request.
Obtaining A Web Presence
If you're interested in creating a page on, please contact Web Services at 570-408-4929. All pages created on operate according to our branding guidelines (.pdf). If you will be responsible for updating the content of the page to be created, please schedule a web training session.